“From financial planning, to the review of the new MSP strategy that’s being developed, and a sneak peak of the new MSP website it was a meeting in full flow via Zoom.
Noted first by the board was their gratitude to the team at MSP. In what has been a uncertain time for many sectors, individuals and organisations over the last few months it has been great to see not only the levels of productivity from the MSP team, but also the way the staff have connected with one another during this period, be that via Zoom, WhatsApp or Facetime. The connections have, it appears, been key to the success during a challenging period.
Physical and mental wellbeing are also of paramount importance to everyone and especially in terms of what everyone in communities and families have had to, and continue to, battle with during and following COVID-19. What was especially good to recognise is the work being done by MSP to generate funding opportunities to support local authorities, sports clubs, individuals and businesses through this, including the Sport England ‘Tackling Inequalities’ funding of 110k.
The above recognition towards mental and physical health is also acting as a direct pillar towards the new MSP strategy from 2022 onwards and there was a robust discussion and input around this, whilst recognising now is also the time to act and support societies across Merseyside. This has, and continues to be, supported by working across NHS trusts and other Active Partnerships like Active Cheshire and will strengthens connections and learning for everyone.
I would also like to say thanks to all the board members for their presence and contributions, as each and every one of them are working hard within their own companies and family challenges across this uncertain time and it is rewarding to see the wide range of discussions that always focus back on how MSP can strive to support the communities it serves.”
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