"I would like more people in Merseyside to experience the benefits, enjoyment and opportunity of becoming more active, as I have.”
Liverpool City Council Representative
Chris has worked in Local Government since 1990 in a variety of roles in a number of Local Authorities based in the North West. He has worked for Liverpool City Council since 2005 where day to day responsibilities include the delivery of a range of front-line services including waste management, cleansing etc. and the delivery of the council’s statutory regulatory services including licencing, environmental health and consumer protection.
Chris’s role in the council is to ensure that residents live in warm, safe houses, in clean well-maintained neighbourhoods with access to the services they need. Increasing levels of physical activity in the city is fundamental in supporting individual’s life chances in terms of physical and mental health, educational attainment and employment.
Chris’s active life: “I have cycled to work daily for the last 5 years and feel the benefits both physical and mental from incorporating this daily exercise into my day. As the Council’s lead for environment it is also important I lead the drive to getting staff out of their cars walking, cycling or using public transport. My role in MSP helps me to play a part in shaping strategies to grow opportunities to get people of all ages moving more with particular emphasis on meeting the needs of our most vulnerable groups.”
Who is Chris’ sport or physical activity hero? “My sporting heroes are the volunteers who give up their time every week to coach young people.”