On 26th January Sport England unveiled its new 10-year strategy titled ‘Uniting The Movement’. It represents their most far-reaching strategy to-date with a timeframe that mirrors the scale of its ambition.
The team at MSP are extremely excited not only about the potential it already holds it for the Liverpool City Region, but also by the consultation process that’s now gone live, which gives us and everyone in our network the opportunity to have direct input into shaping how it’s implemented
We can already see real synergy with lots of the work we’re involved with, for example in directing funding into communities to tackle inequalities and our ongoing work with children and young people. We know that this will be the case too for lots of the work that you, our partners, are doing, so we’d really encourage you to dive into it and see where opportunities already lie in terms of linking in with it.
We’re also really pleased to see the emphasis on whole-system change and can see the huge potential in working to bring long-lasting, well embedded change through even more collaborative, joined-up working. By pulling together around the themes outlined in the strategy we can really amplify the work that we all do and multiply the benefits for the Liverpool City Region.
So, if you haven’t had time to take a good look at it yet we highly recommend grabbing a cuppa and getting stuck in. There’s the full strategy document, the strategy summary document, plus the launch event recording, depending on how much time you have.
Plus, of course, if you’d like to contribute to the strategy consultation then register here to have your say. Sport England’s current consulation project is aimed at exploring your initial thoughts on what needs to change in order to achieve their strategy’s objectives, with five forums (called ‘Ideas’), each focusing on one of the strategy’s big issues. It’s a great opportunity for lots of you in our network to put forward your thoughts.
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