To get a useful overview of what safeguarding means in a sports setting check out this animation from the NSPCC.
Sport and physical activity help children to grow as individuals. They can also provide opportunities for enjoyment and achievement. It’s important that organisations providing sport and physical activity operate in a safe and child-friendly way so that children can get the full benefits of involvement in an activity.
Having an understanding of good practice when coaching children, young people or vulnerable adults protects participants and providers alike. It also empowers everyone to make choices that create a positive sporting experience.
It’s the responsibility of everyone involved to ensure that activities are safe and fun!
Has your club achieved a quality standard such as Clubmark? If not contact your National Governing Body.
All coaches should hold a current recognised National Governing Body qualification in the appropriate sport.
It’s recommended that coaches have attended safeguarding and child protection training.
All coaches and club personnel who have direct contact with children, young people and young people should have been appropriately screened. This should include:
Coaches should have up-to-date and appropriate insurance cover for the activity they are delivering
The ratio of coaches to participants varies from sport to sport and should be based on:
Contact the sport’s National Governing Body for sport-specific guidance.
Clubs/organisations/coaches need to be aware of any medication that participants are taking.
Your club/organisation should have or be working towards National Governing Body Accreditation, or equivalent, that outlines minimum operating standards of the sport. National Governing Body Accreditation ensures that the club is committed to providing a safe, effective and child-friendly environment.
Your club/organisation should have a child protection policy, which outlines procedures for dealing with possible abuse. Parents/carers should be aware of the policy and be able to view the policy on request.
Your club/organisation should have public liability insurance.
Your club/organisation should have a written code of conduct for parents/carers, coaches, club staff/volunteers and participants.
Your club/organisation should have:
Your club/organisation should have a designated Child Protection/Welfare Officer. They are the first point of contact if there are any concerns. If you need help with anything else or need more information, please see the links below.
Football Coach Photo by Adrià Crehuet Cano on Unsplash
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