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As the Active Partnership for Merseyside, MSP is committed to helping people who live and work locally to be active, especially if you’ve been inspired by some of the stories you’ve seen from people featured in the We Are Undefeatable campaign
We’ll be posting more here as the campaign grows, so bookmark this page and follow us on social media via the links below to get access to regular updates.
This is something that is very much personal to you as an individual and your particular condition. However, this is the advice from the national We Are Undefeatable campaign, which is led by 15 of the major health charities and backed by expertise and insight from Sport England:
‘A small proportion of people with specific conditions who are symptomatic (i.e. with cardiovascular, metabolic or renal disease) may need medical advice. However, most people can take part in low and moderate-intensity physical activity without visiting a healthcare professional first.’
If you are in any doubt then speak to the healthcare professional who is helping you to manage your condition for advice.
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