It’s no secret that physical activity has the power to prevent a whole raft of illnesses, which is why MSP and Active Cheshire have come together to produce an ‘at-scale’ approach to physical activity across Cheshire and Merseyside. By joining forces, we aim to maximise the opportunities and drive the priorities set by Cheshire & Merseyside Health & Care Partnership. This is a landmark collaboration that’s totally aligned with improving outcomes for our populations.
Both Active Cheshire (AC) and MSP, are the lead bodies for physical activity across Cheshire, Warrington and Merseyside. AC’s mission is to ‘Embed physical activity into all aspects of everyday life by 2040’. MSP’s mission is ‘Working together to improve the quality of life for all people through sport and physical activity’.
In January 2018, Active Cheshire adopted ‘The Blueprint to Tackle Physical In-activity’ – a whole-system strategic approach to tackle physical inactivity, co-produced by 2000 cross-sector partners in Cheshire and Warrington. This was supported by extensive local, national and international evidence, based on health economies and was led by the Chief Executive of Warrington Borough Council – Professor Steven Broomhead and a wider task force.
MSP are currently engaging with a wide range of stakeholders from across the Liverpool City Region in identifying key priorities, with a vision of a wider strategy on how we will work together to target the inactive. Steve Rotherham, the Metro Mayor, has pledged to increase cycling and walking across the region and our Local Industrial Strategy has prioritised; Health and Wellbeing for all; Vibrant and connected communities.
Utilising existing strategies, both partnerships are uniquely placed to work collaboratively to achieve a greater impact on a joint project within the region, to improve long term health and wellbeing.
We will be the system leaders and adopt a wider placed-based approach for physical activity, working with key stakeholders to provide clarity and consistency for the entire region. We’ll use this initial opportunity as a mechanism to unite the team, encourage further collaboration to meet long term objectives and contribute to the wider objective of prevention at scale.
Most recently, expressions of interest have been sought from the region and there was an overwhelming response. There is now a subgroup, which has stakeholders from a wide variety of backgrounds, all of whom believe in #savinglives. These include Public Health England, CHAMPS, education experts, inclusion, clinicians, Local Authority leads, cycling, health experts to name a few.
As a result of this partnership, both AC and MSP are currently delivering against the following outcomes:
We’ll make sure that we keep you updated with the progress of this new group and update you on the Strategic Plan for the region.
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