Created and led by The Activity Alliance, the Liverpool City Region Active Disability Network (ADN/The Group) exists to give disabled people across the City Region the opportunity to become more involved in physical activity, active recreation or sport; whether as a participant, deliverer, volunteer or spectator: Acting as an advocacy group for disabled people being more active and promoting an active lifestyle as a positive choice for disabled people or those with long term health conditions.
The ADN brings a range of stakeholders together from across Merseyside who collaborate to ensure there is a single voice of influence for disabled people across our complex system.
As a member of the ADN it is our role to influence and support the vision for the City Region, ensuring disabled people across Merseyside have the opportunity to become more involved in physical activity, active recreation or sport.
The current focus of the group is to advocate with disabled people and those organisations which support them within the development of the LCR Combined Authority Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. The Group aims to influence the 10-year strategy, which will promote more active forms of travel, to meet the needs of disabled people and those with long term health conditions. Our goal is to ensure that the infrastructure created from Phase 2a and beyond is truly inclusive and accessible for all.
MSP is perfectly positioned to check and challenge ADN members to ensure there is a connectivity and reach to all parts of the county, whilst supporting members with our insight of the grassroots ‘state of play’ which influences the decisions made by the Group.
As ADN continues to develop MSP will use its influence to ensure the Group is connected into the most appropriate systems across the county to enable us to achieve our goals. Going forward, the physical activity sub-group for the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership will be a key group for collaboration.
Equally our membership of this group also allows us to take away the most up to date understanding of disability networks and opportunities from across the region and influence our programmes, projects and partners at a local level to align with the needs of and direction of travel for the group. This in turn helps to strengthen to outcomes for disabled people and those with long term health conditions across the county and ensure a joined up approach.
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